Oasis Tears PF Plus Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops (30 single use vials)

Oasis Tears PF Plus Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops (30 single use vials)

Oasis Tears
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The viscousness of artificial tears such as Oasis TEARS® PLUS lubricate the eyes to relieve the gritty dry sensations that cause irritation. Doctors often recommend preservative-free artificial tears such as these. Oasis TEARS® can be used as needed to relieve dry eye symptoms.

Oasis TEARS® PF PLUS Preservative-Free lubricant eye drops are packaged in a box of 30 sterile, single use vials.

The Oasis TEARS® brand of eye drops deliver instant relief to dry eyes with its adherence and viscoadaptive qualities.


Glycerin (0.25%)